Appeal for Donations

The city council is running a scare campaign saying Christchurch citizens have to sell our assets and pay huge rate increases. 

It’s not true. The council wants to be able to sell everything but alternatives have not been explored.

  • Christchurch City Council can keep its assets AND reduce its horrendous rate increases
  • The mayor is trying to tell us there are no alternatives but there are always alternatives – reduce, delay and defer expenditure
  • Our assets are of huge value to Christchurch
Keep our Assets Canterbury (KOA) is running a campaign to oppose these asset sales – leaflets, petition, submissions, bumper stickers, public meetings etc – and we need money to do it.

We want to get a leaflet into every home in Christchurch and we want to take out a full page ad in the Press. 

Please make a donation urgently to –

Keep Our Assets - Canterbury (KOA)
38 9016 0715351 00

If you wish your donation to go towards the Press advertisement put “Press” in the details for your donation.

We’ve seen it all before – privatisation cost us billions as taxpayers – now it’s come to our backyard as ratepayers – we have to say NO!

Keep our Assets Canterbury

PO BOX 2258, Christchurch